Saturday, October 4, 2008


First post! Finally! I've been meaning to create this blog for a while! It took me forever just to pick the URL. I've probably had multiple blogs throughout high school and college, but I hope to put some real thought into this one. I used my last blogs to just regurgitate any and every thought that came into my head and they were pretty disjointed. Hopefully this one will be more coherent. So why am I starting yet another blog? Well...
  1. 6 weeks into medical school and I'm already feeling that I'm not able to keep in touch with friends and family as much as I'd like to. And something tells me I'm only going to get busier. Hence this is reason #1 for a brand-spankin-new blog.
  2.  I sporadically updated a blog throughout undergrad. Whenever I got the chance to read through my old posts, I got a great sense of how much I've changed over the years. And I LOVED seeing that. So here's hoping I'll have the same type of reaction when I read this in a few years. Creepy. Hi future me. Are you a doctor yet?
  3.  Recently I realized how much stress I keep stored inside my head. More like inside my back muscles. Writing helps release all of that crap. So I'm gonna write all of my stress right off of my back and onto this blog. And then I can come back and read it and laugh at how crazy I am. I hope I will be laughing.
I bet there are more reasons... somewhere in the back of my head and/or tip of my tongue but three is a good convenient number. I guess all that's left is to press the "publish" button. Here goes nothing!